Create excellent digital prodcut catalogs from PDF, Office, Images, CHM documents!

Products >Free PDF to Flash



For Windows 7, Vista, XP

Free PDF to Flash

Greate freeware to convert PDF to flash (.swf) book!

Easy-to-use desktop application for you to creates real page-flipping flash (.swf) book in few minutes. Let you publish flash page turning book online to share with more people.
  • 100% freeware to convert PDF to auto flipping flash book, swf book;
  • Various convert mode support: Batch Convert Mode, Hot Directories Convert Mode and Command Line Convert Mode;
  • When open the output swf format book and click start, it will automatically flip the pages;
  • Convert thousands of PDFs to auto flipping flash (.swf book) in minutes;
  • Provides you with many amazing flash players to match your flipping book and website



Flash Catalog Demo >>

Flash Player 10.0+

  • Why Use?
  • Screenshots
  • How It Works

Free PDF to Flash is very powerful software to convert PDF to Auto Page turning flash (.swf) book. Easy-to-use operate process enable you to create page-flipping flash (swf) book from Adobe PDF within few minutes and without any program skill needs. Three convert mode, Batch Convert Mode, Hot Directories Convert Mode and Command Line Convert Mode, provides by free PDF to Flash that enables you convert thousands of PDFs to auto page-flipping flash (.swf) book with some easy click.

Quickly and easy convert PDF to auto-flipping flash (.swf) publication.


Maybe you don’t have enough time to creating product promote catalog from eBook format when the deadline is coming soon. Numerous eBook converts, numerous things to do. With Free PDF to Flash can enable you finish those jobs in 5 minutes and earns extra profits. Let you create elegant page-flipping catalog without any special program knowledge.

Powerful functioms


Free PDF to Flash is very strong software, have many powerful functions. You can use them to make real effect flipping digital flash magazine.

  • Adjust background color, add background music;
  • Change the size, layout of the flash magazine;
  • Exact adjusting of interface of flash.

Batch Convert Mode, Hot Directories Convert Mode and Command Line Convert Mode



Free PDF to Flash has provides three mainly convert mode for your choice: The Batch Convert Mode, The Hot Directories Convert Mode, and Command Line Convert Mode. Each convert mode enables you quickly and easy to convert thousands of PDFs to real auto flip flash (.swf) publication. Just few clicks, you could convert PDF to auto Page-flipping book which without any program skills.


30 days money back guarantee


We want you to be absolutely satisfied with your software and the flash catalog which you create. If within 30 days after receipt of your purchase you're not completely satisfied, return it for a full refund of the purchase price or replace it - no questions asked.



Once you have paid, you can enjoy unlimited convert



In flash catalog maker, shouldn’t worry about your convert expired. Once you have paid the cost, you can 100% enjoy the unlimited documents convert. No subscription fee, no conversion fee, not limited to a single website.




Later update versions are Free for you



Worry about you product out of date or some format can’t be convert? Within flash catalog maker, you can download the latest version of the software at anytime, update painlessly, trouble free and with no disruptive downtime.