Can readers download my online digital flipbook for offline use?
Recently I have made a digital flipbook by PDF to flash catalog and would like to publish it online and share it with my friends. It’s easy for me to share it with friends, I need only output it on “ZIP” format and sent it by email. But how can others download my online digital flipbook directly if I publish it online? Maybe some readers would like to download digital book and read it when they are free. So can readers download my online digital flipping book for offline use?
Yes, you can set download URL on your digital flipbook. On “Tool Bars Settings” panel, you can find “Download Setting”. Please kindly note that the “Download Enable” must be “Yes”. If not, even you have set download URL, readers would not be able to download your digital book. Then input your download URL, please ensure that the URL is the same domain as the flipbook uploaded URL.
After setting download URL, you can apply change to see. On the digital flipbook interface, you can see “download” icon, if readers click “download”, they can own them in few seconds and for their offline read.
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